Message: Delivered Live!
Exclusive live performances from Message artists to you!

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Christian Pop & Rock
Channel 63
Shows & SchedulesPop and rock with a higher purpose. Contemporary Christian music to brighten your day with the power of faith and hope.
Airs last Friday of every month at 11 pm ET
Forward Message with Jordan Feliz
Many Message listeners have begun to find Jordan Feliz is quite the tastemaker! His exclusive show takes you musically “forward” from where we normally go with remixes, rock, hip-hop, and edgier music, all with the same Message.
Airs second Friday of every month at 12 pm ET
Acoustic Storytime with Jason Gray
Hosted by Jason Gray and Doug Hannah, this monthly show features three Message artists, their guitars, and their music. Listen as they bare their hearts acoustically through their songs. Recorded live from The Well Coffee House outside of Nashville.
Exclusive live performances from Message artists to you!
Exclusive channels, sports play-by-play, A-list hosts. The variety you want, where you choose to listen.